Thursday, September 20, 2012

Arissa's Reading Project

Arissa is 6 years old this year and she can already read and write. Thanks to Dzuliman, she is already ahead of her class. As I am typing this entry, Adelia is bugging me with her antics. I wanted Arissa to love books and I can see that she does. Just like any other children of her age, she needs to be motivated. Don't we all. So, we started this Dania's Reading Project. At first, we wanted to include Aryana but to me personally, Aryana is just 4. Let Aryana be Aryana at the moment.

The idea of Dania's Reading Project is to motivate her by awarding a star for each book that read. The stars are then accumulated until it reaches to a certain amount  before she can claim her prize. We set the number of stars to 6. So far, she has claimed her first prize, which is a trip to Toys R Us. After that, she has done a couple of readings but then it just dies off.

In order to track her progress, a chart is posted on the wall. The 6 stars on the wall is confirmed. It is the stars after that which I lost track of. So, I figure we need to restart this initiative. Today, Arissa managed to finish reading a story titled Anak Sang Kerbau Berjasa. I personally asked her questions about the story. I just want to ensure that she understood the story and are able to recall events mentioned in the story. The only question that she is unable to answer is regarding the moral of the story. She needs help with that. Moral? What kids know about moral, ethics and the like. If they know all that, all kids in this world will be well behaved and we know that is impossible. I think she reads the story because she just wants to read it. May be she enjoys having the ability to spell the words and pronounce it. That is already an effort.

I put up Arissa's Reading Log on Google Drive.

Keep up the good work Arissa!

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