Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Arissa is in UMK Jeli

 Arissa, you are 18 this year. You got your driver's license. You got into UMK Jeli taking Asasi Sains hopefully you can get into Veterinary like you always wanted. But the requirement is tough. You must do well in your courses. That is one and you need to ace the interview. The uncertainty is still there but at least there is hope and there is a chance.

It has been, I think, 8 weeks now. 

I have to say that I am proud of Arissa. She got 8As in her SPM way better that I expected. I never thought that she would get 8As and UMK is the university of choice. To me, as long as she further her studies in a program that she wants. That is important. 

I, as her father, will support her. Regardless. I will work for it InshaAllah. I love you, Arissa. I miss you.

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