Saturday, April 30, 2022

Losing Someone You Loved

My cousin lost her son in road accident a few days ago. Life is so fragile. You would never know when your time will be up. The ustaz in the kuliah subuh this morning reminded the congregation the same thing. You will never know. Anyway, I just want to say that when you lose someone that you love, it affects you tremendously. The 'severity' depends on the level of attachment that you have with that person. I lost Ibu last year. When she passed away, I felt helpless. Ibu was my source of strength. She was my pillar. She provided me with emotional support. Just imagine if you lose someone like that. The support is no longer there because the pillar has collapsed. It hits me hard. Sometimes, I wonder, will turn out any different, if Ayah passed away instead of Ibu. I don't want to think about it really but I know for sure the impact will be different. Fathers, or at least my father, does not give that emotional support as much as Ibu did. Let us face the fact. He is always out there working and providing us that material support. Yes, that is want I want to say. Material support. Ibu provides the emotional support and Ayah provides that material support. If you feel down and you need a little bit of a cheer up, who would you call? Your mom of course. If you need money, who would you call? Ya Allah, please take care of Ayah. Give him excellent health. Aamin.

Ibu passed away last year (Al Fatihah). It hits me hard but I can't imagine losing a children. That is like another level of hitting you hard. I just could not imagine how it is like to lose a children. The sadness is different regardless of the method of losing them i.e accident or illness. Death by accident is abrupt. By illness, well at least you have prepared mentally but still. The intensity of the sadness is still the same. 

So, love your family. Treat them well. Make them happy. Enjoy every minute of their existence in this world.

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