today is Aryana's day off from the taska...that means..a day off for mama as well...
yesterday (1/2/10) Aryana had quite an attack of athma...on sunday tuh (31/1/10) Aryana dah macam batuk-batuk..but that was not that bad...evenn..on that monday morning..Aryana seemed well..not so much on the badtuk part...but when we came to fetch Aryana and Arissa at the taska on monday tuh..Kak Azi and Kak Ina ( kakak-kakak yang jaga kat taska tuh) kata...Aryana macam ada back from taska..terus bagi puff..but it seemed...not so much decided to bring you to Dr. Yee's...sampai at Dr. Yee's about 7:15pm...we were lucky..because sebaik we all sampai...orang dah start Yee gave Aryana another puff...he said to give Aryana another puff before she tuh..about 10:30pm..we gave Aryana another puff...well...Aryana was a bit okay..but still ada few times bangun tengah malam..but Aryana managed to get some sleep last night...
this morning...Aryana is taking a day off from the taska..but school as usual for the big sis, Arissa...when we send Arissa off to school...we saw Arissa macam nangis jer sampai situ..sure Arissa rasa macam kena tinggal...kesian sis Arissa..but Arissa kena jugak pergi school..
and then..Aryana pulak..masa time hantar Arissa tu..few times jugak laaa dok muntahkan keluar kahak dia tuh...
and this morning...after hantar Arissa to school..we gave Aryana another puff at far.,.she seems a bit better..hopefully she'll get better..
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