Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Arissa is in UMK Jeli

 Arissa, you are 18 this year. You got your driver's license. You got into UMK Jeli taking Asasi Sains hopefully you can get into Veterinary like you always wanted. But the requirement is tough. You must do well in your courses. That is one and you need to ace the interview. The uncertainty is still there but at least there is hope and there is a chance.

It has been, I think, 8 weeks now. 

I have to say that I am proud of Arissa. She got 8As in her SPM way better that I expected. I never thought that she would get 8As and UMK is the university of choice. To me, as long as she further her studies in a program that she wants. That is important. 

I, as her father, will support her. Regardless. I will work for it InshaAllah. I love you, Arissa. I miss you.

Aryana - ICGSE 2024

 Aryana is 16 years old this year. MRSM Parit since 4 years ago. This include the pandemic where she had to learn online at home despite being an MRSM student. Should have written about this 4 years ago. But she is 16 now. Smart and brilliant. Mature for a 16 year old. Bubbly. Goofy. Manja. Cute. Just like everyone but she is different. She is more brainy.

I was thinking about her this morning. She is taking her maths ICGSE exam this morning. I hope she does well. Semoga Allah membuka hati Yana dan memudahkan Yana untuk menjawab soalan ICGSE. Make us proud.

Attended her Majlis Restu two weeks ago. She was also the recipient of Anugerah Pengetua. Kinda like Dean's List in universities. I remember Ayah always tell us this my brain is like your brain. I am guessing that is what he telling us kids is that we are all the same. If I can succeed, you can. I guess that is good but at time I find it difficult to relate to that :-)) 

But Aryana, you are 16 now!

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Losing Someone You Loved

My cousin lost her son in road accident a few days ago. Life is so fragile. You would never know when your time will be up. The ustaz in the kuliah subuh this morning reminded the congregation the same thing. You will never know. Anyway, I just want to say that when you lose someone that you love, it affects you tremendously. The 'severity' depends on the level of attachment that you have with that person. I lost Ibu last year. When she passed away, I felt helpless. Ibu was my source of strength. She was my pillar. She provided me with emotional support. Just imagine if you lose someone like that. The support is no longer there because the pillar has collapsed. It hits me hard. Sometimes, I wonder, will turn out any different, if Ayah passed away instead of Ibu. I don't want to think about it really but I know for sure the impact will be different. Fathers, or at least my father, does not give that emotional support as much as Ibu did. Let us face the fact. He is always out there working and providing us that material support. Yes, that is want I want to say. Material support. Ibu provides the emotional support and Ayah provides that material support. If you feel down and you need a little bit of a cheer up, who would you call? Your mom of course. If you need money, who would you call? Ya Allah, please take care of Ayah. Give him excellent health. Aamin.

Ibu passed away last year (Al Fatihah). It hits me hard but I can't imagine losing a children. That is like another level of hitting you hard. I just could not imagine how it is like to lose a children. The sadness is different regardless of the method of losing them i.e accident or illness. Death by accident is abrupt. By illness, well at least you have prepared mentally but still. The intensity of the sadness is still the same. 

So, love your family. Treat them well. Make them happy. Enjoy every minute of their existence in this world.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Syurga Dunia

Syurga di dunia ini bukanlah sesuatu tempat yang specific. Syurga di dunia ini adalah Di mana anak anak kita berada. Jika saya dapat bersama anak anak saya. Dapat memandang wajah mereka di suatu tempat, tempat itulah syurga Dunia.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Aisara Graduation Ceremony 2019

Aisara will be Standard One next year 2020, so this year will be her last Dzuliman graduation ceremony. Her class perform an arabic dance with Nour El Chams as the background music. She told us that the song is her secret. It will only be revealed during the ceremony. She didn't know that she just spilled the beans. I did my part by reminding everyone NOT TO disclose Nour El Chams as the background music.

In preschool ceremony, I think all kids got something to bring back home. Aisara got Best Hafazan. She also got Special Khalifah. Kinda like the best student in school. That came as a surprise, particularly me. This is because she is always late to school. I am sure that if there is an award the highest number of coming late to school, Aisara could have won. Fortunately, there is no such award. Anyway, she was in front of the dance pack. The teachers wanted her to do the introduce the group and performance which I am quite proud to see.

You did good Aisara.We all love you Biskut.

Penang Trip 9-10 November 2019

9th November

We all went to Penang on Saturday for a one night trip. It was actually Aisara's school trip. We kind of like tagging along. Aisara took the bus and we drove ourselves to all the stops. The first stop was Entopia Penang Butterfly Farm. We were like contemplating whether should we wait outside at the parking lot or we just go inside and enjoy the park. I decided to go inside and enjoy the park. It is a butterfly park. Not some aquarium or a zoo. And it was worth it. The ticket was quite expensive to me but worth it. Very educational for the kids. It turns out the butterfly park also has other cold-blooded animals like scorpions, frogs, cockroaches, spiders, centipedes, millipedes, geckos, lizards and others. I saw only one snake and one turtle. We spent around 3 hours at the park but it was fun. We even got to release newly formed butterflies.

Our next stop was Beryl's Chocolate Story at Lovers Lane. The chocolate tastes really good. We did chocolate shopping and learn a little bit about chocolate. If you are into chocolates, this is the place. 

Our next stop is the Batu Maung Aquarium. We waited Aisara at the parking lot. We were just too tired to do another walkabout. After the aquarium tour was over, we checked into to Travelodge Hotel in Georgetown. Not exactly the best hotel. The breakfast was terrible. We booked the family room and it was quite spacious and the price is acceptable. 

10th November

One of our favorite places to go is the Armenian Street. We just love that place especially the Cats and Dogs shop. Well, we love cats. In Armenian Street, you can really feel that old colonial vibe to it. Not to forget the murals as well. That is why it look so cool. 

Till our next travel

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Happy New Year 2018

2018 will be a big year for us. Firstly, Adel is now in Standard 1. I think she is going to do well. Accompanied her on her first day and everything looks good. The only problem at the moment is to wake her up early in the morning and also the hectic schedule. But the thing about Adel now is that she is independent. Once she wakes up, she knows her way to the bathroom and getting herself ready for school.

Arissa is Standard 6 this year. Big exam this year. So, what should we do? Hahaha. Send tuition, set up timetable that kind of stuff. I think she needs tuition on Maths. Honestly, I do not believe in tuition if a student is determined and disciplined, they dont need no tuition but I guess Arissa is not like that. She needs to be pushed. She needs someone to tell her and guide her what to do. This week is the second as I am writing this. We should start strategizing now. The big goal is getting all As in her UPSR. Once you have that result, there will be a lot of options for you to choose. MRSM is one. I would love her to go these boarding schools. If that is the best for her education, than so be it.
